A civilization that baffled scholars and historians ... Pharaonic images that dazzled the world and revealed the facts ... P…
Egyptian women in the Pharaonic era Egyptian women Women in ancient Egypt enjoyed all kinds of freedom more than the women of…
the world and revealed the facts ... Photo
Travel plate
Unlike many peoples of their time, the ancient Egyptians did not lik…
Work equality in the days of the Pharaohs
Men and women in Pharaonic Egypt have the right to obtain the same jobs.
Most of …
Personal care days of the Pharaonic era
The ancient Egyptians took good care of themselves and showed a special…
Beauty in the days of the Pharaonic era
Beauty and aesthetics
The ancient Egyptians valued beauty more than anything else an…
what do they eatthe food
The ancient Egyptians consumed fruits and vegetables because they were easier to obtain
, they did n…
Enjoy and get to know the most beautiful monuments of the world that you see now, including the ancient Egyptian monuments, pharaohs and civilization that dazzled the world so far.
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